Action Point is an upcoming American action comedy film directed by Tim Kirkby and written by John Altschuler, Dave Krinsky and Johnny Knoxville. The film stars Johnny Knoxville and Chris Pontius. The film is scheduled to be released on June 1, 2018, by Paramount Pictures. It was originally titled Action Park.
The film is based on a theme park in New Jersey called Action Park, which was notorious for poorly designed, unsafe rides; in addition to employing under-aged, under-trained, and often under-the-influence staff. In a similar fashion to Dickhouse's previous film, Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa, the film will feature traditional Jackass-style stunts connected by a narrative.
The film is based on a theme park in New Jersey called Action Park, which was notorious for poorly designed, unsafe rides; in addition to employing under-aged, under-trained, and often under-the-influence staff. In a similar fashion to Dickhouse's previous film, Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa, the film will feature traditional Jackass-style stunts connected by a narrative.